Tuesday, May 1, 2012

OMG! My mom cut my hair and now it looks horrible!?

About a month ago, I got this really cute haircut with lots of layers. I LOVED it! Then I used a straightener or curler every day, and I got split ends. My mom said she wanted to cut the ends herself, but I said I wanted to go to a stylist. She was trying to get me to sit in a chair so she could cut it, but I kept saying I didn't want her to. She won. As I was crying (because the last time she cut my hair, I was in 4th grade and it looked bad) she cut my hair. She cut off 3 inches so I lost all my layers, and I was cut straight across. It looks horrible! I locked my door in my room and I was crying for a while. Then when I came out, I had to go to a friend's house to work on a project. I braided my hair and left. Then when I got back, I wasn't crying anymore (my friend did a good job of cheering me up). But my mom was so sad. She was crying because I didn't like the haircut, and she bought me a milkshake. I'm mad that she cut my hair, but I feel bad too. What should I do now?

OMG! My mom cut my hair and now it looks horrible!?

First off, stop crying. Hair grows back. Thats the nice thing about it. It will ALWAYS grow back. Now, you are obviously old enough to make some choices so gather your money together and go down to a salon and have them fix it. No problem and chances are it will turn out adorable. In the future though, tell your mom how much you appreciate her offer but would feel much better at a salon. Tell her no offense but this is how I feel and stick w/ it.

OMG! My mom cut my hair and now it looks horrible!?

Apologize to your mom for overreacting and then ask her to take you to the hair stylist to fix it up a bit. I'll be she feels as bad as you do and will go along with this.

OMG! My mom cut my hair and now it looks horrible!?

either - tell ya mum neva ta cut ya hair agen


-leave her 4 a while

OMG! My mom cut my hair and now it looks horrible!?

Apologize to your mom and buy her something like maybe a bouquet of flowers. Then go to a salon tomorrow and get a new haircut ..!!

Good Luck =]

OMG! My mom cut my hair and now it looks horrible!?

cry all you want build a bridge and get over it cuz it'll grow back...

OMG! My mom cut my hair and now it looks horrible!?

Oh, come on. You're better than this :)

It's just hair, and hair cut straight across is much fresher than layers (everyone has layers!). It will grow out and than you can get whatever style you want. It's cool your mom got the drift you were disappointed. Hopefully you guys can just forget about it. If she still feels bad, apologize for over-reacting and tell her you just feel better when your hair is in the hands of a professional. Not a big deal.

Good Luck! :)

OMG! My mom cut my hair and now it looks horrible!?


OMG! My mom cut my hair and now it looks horrible!?

say sorry for how i acted..u can ,give her a present

do a

-pony tail

-pig tails


or u can got to the hair dresser tcut it to make it even or do extencions

OMG! My mom cut my hair and now it looks horrible!?

say sorry to your mom as hard as it is then ask her if you can get it cut with layers and tell her you are sorry for your behavior and that you just got carried away =] ur mom will forgive you and she will most likely set up a hair appointment and until then find ways to style your hair =]

OMG! My mom cut my hair and now it looks horrible!?

will tell her u didnt mean it and your hair will grow again and u appreciate what she try to do

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