Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Are exentions bad for your hair?

i'm talking about glue-in extentions. since my stylist cut my hair way too short i'm wanting to get extensions. and how long do they last 'til you have to get them redone?

Are exentions bad for your hair?

actually the glue is known to be bad for your hair it sometimes takes it out it would be safer and better to get the extensions sewn in which last up to three months unlike the glued in which only lasts about a few weeks maybe1 month if u really take care of it. if u wanna kno more on the sewn in extentions u can email me @ amber_huntington2000@yahoo.com

Are exentions bad for your hair?

i woudnt reccomend glue hair extensions,,they rip and pull out ur hair..you dont want a britney spears moment now do u haha..id say buy clip in real hair extensions ..they last forever and noone can notice them..i wear them..they are the best ever..they stay put all day and u dont even feel them...plus you can dye the real hair..you can go short one day and long the next..they are fun/

Are exentions bad for your hair?

oh they suck im telling...they rip your ends and everything even if u baid and glue over the net.

it rips parts of your hair and leaves it damaged.

you would be probably better with sew ins.

or clip on extensions easy to manage no damage and light.

Are exentions bad for your hair?

i have had glue in hair extensions several times and i always got the water poof glue and they would last usually a little over a month but i would have to fix the glue every now and then bc they would get loose, they do kind of break off your real hair bc they put weight on your roots which causes your real hair to fall out, also when you change them or decide to take them out even if you use glue remover they cause some of your hair to fall out in some spots or break off, its better to get them sewed in rather than glued but i guess if your very careful then glue is okay just get the water poof glue and get real hair by the way i also wash mine and straighten them and they usually look pretty good you just have to keep up with them.

the clip in ones are good by the way, you dont have to mess with the messy glue!!

Are exentions bad for your hair?

my sister wears em all the time. they only rip your hair out if you dont know how to do it right. she does it really good and she does it herself. its not as bad it people say it is.. really :-)

Are exentions bad for your hair?

I wouldn't recommend glue-in hair extensions. I've read too many horror stories about them and have known people who've had them and it wasn't the best expierence for them.

I'd recommend Clip In hair extensions. They're easy to look after and you can apply them yourself. They're temporary, so you can take them out whenever and put them in again. It isn't damaging towards your hair either.

Make sure you get human hair for a more natural look then synthetic. And it won't tangle as bad.

You can get Clip In's, in salons, online, eBay etc

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