Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Why do hair stylists say they can do a certain cut and then don't even come close?

It's happened to me many times and now my daughter. I have had many hair stylists tell me to bring in a picture of what I want with the indication that they will match it. I choose usually conservative but current styles, nothing to vouge. I don't expect an exact match, just close. In 20 plus years and who knows how many stylists, I have yet to recieve a cut that even resembles the picture I bring in. Now, I am usually okay with what I recieve, I'm flexible... as long as it looks good. I just think the stylist should say something if they don't know how to create that style. Can anyone shed some light on this?

Why do hair stylists say they can do a certain cut and then don't even come close?

As a stylist I can agree with you........ I always talk to my clients to find out what they like. A description from their mouth, not a picture in a book. First of all you are not the stylist that created the cut or style in a magazine, so why would you advertise the same results. What you are seeing in a magazine is the finished product. That means we have no idea what products or utensils the stylist used to create the look you see, it's more than just a cut trust me. Also when looking in a magazine the stylist needs to understand that the model and the client sitting in their chair have totally different hair types, lengths and textures. Whats best for Halle Berry is not good for Beyonce........ you have to be true to yourself as a stylist if you are going to have happy clients and that starts wiht honesty...... Find out who you want to be, forget the pictures of the models that have been worked on for hours for the photo shoot, and find an honest stylist to work with your own personal beauty needs. Good luck

Why do hair stylists say they can do a certain cut and then don't even come close?

Do you tell them when they don't cut it the way you want it??? If you don't speak up and say "Hey ******, you totally cut it the wrong way and I'm not paying for this hack job," they're not going to know they cut it wrong, and they will continue to cut it wrong. But once you find the stylist who does what you want, never leave him/her!

Why do hair stylists say they can do a certain cut and then don't even come close?

They are probably just over confident in their abilities. That combined with the fact that you can get a cosmetologist license while in high school or if you are a drop out. Also, I wouldn't trust anyone at these budget salons. they work there for a reason. Good stylists are in the better salons. You of course have to pay more but it is well worth it.

Why do hair stylists say they can do a certain cut and then don't even come close?

A lot of it has to do with choosing a picture of someone with a different hairtype. If the person in the pic has thick hair and yours is fine, it will never look close. Or your hairstylists are just lying about being able to copy a picture. A lot of hairstyle magazines give detailed instructions on how to create a particular style, along with the pictures.

Why do hair stylists say they can do a certain cut and then don't even come close?

maybe the cut just looks diffrent in the picture thatn it does on you people have diffrent shape heads and diffrent face frames

Why do hair stylists say they can do a certain cut and then don't even come close?

As a hairstylist I can honstly say that I have never promised to exactly replicate a haircut in a picture. But, then again, I have never not promised. I usually assume that the client understands that unless the picture they bring in is a picture of themselves, they will not get an exact replication of that cut and/or style.

But you are right. All hairstylists, myself included, should make an effort make this clear to their clientele.

Why do hair stylists say they can do a certain cut and then don't even come close?

A hairstylist can't make you look like the model in the pic. Its about hair specifics. eg. texture, product, how its cared for, etc. You should look to have your hair cut %26amp; styled to accent your own features. Have a style consultant help you find a style that compliments your facial structure.

I think the reason why a lot of stylist suggest that people bring a picture is that most customers are clueless when explaining what it is that they would like. In addition, most stylists aren't doing hair shows or photo shoots. They don't have that kind of experience.

Find a stylist that is always updating his/her portfolio of expertis.

A $10 cut is a $10 cut. You get what you pay for $$$$$.

Why do hair stylists say they can do a certain cut and then don't even come close?

Sometimes a hairstylists doesn't do the same cut, but sometimes they do. The same hair cuts look different on different people depending on facial structure and such. Plus, the styles in magazine pictures have been styled for hours and then often lighted and photoshopped to perfection. Next time you visit a stylist, go to one who will consult with you for a while before they begin cutting, instead of bringing a picture describe what you want your hair to do, how you style it everyday and length that you want it to be. Then come up with a haircut that suits you not one from someone else. Finally try going to the same stylist its sometimes easier to get a great cut from someone you have established a relationship with.

Why do hair stylists say they can do a certain cut and then don't even come close?

I cant say for all hair stylists, but I have been doing hair for over 10 years and I can tell you that 1) If your not happy with your cut, speak up and tell them. 2) When a client brings in a picture I ask them a couple of questions before I cut it-how much time do they want to spend on their hair, and how much money on products do they want to spend. Most pictures clients bring in are very high maintanence hair styles that take alot of product to achieve the look. The biggest thing I see is that the client's hair and the picture are completely different. Dont buy products that say it will make your hair thicker, or fuller-if you dont hair thick full hair you wont get it. All the products do is swell the hair shaft to look fuller, its just temporary. Find a stylist you like and keep with them, they are like a doctor for your appearance.

Why do hair stylists say they can do a certain cut and then don't even come close?

Perhaps you are like me bad at explaining what you want and then expect the stylist to interpret it. After many years I have found someone who knows just what I want but it costs me.

Also lets face it some hair stylist should'nt be, some just do not have a clue.

Good luck and a banish to those bad hair cuts.

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