Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Hair Stylist that won't shut up!?

I got my hair cut last week and the girl who normally does my hair was not in. This other girl did it and her clear bra was hanging out and she keeped telling me how she needs to get custody of her child. Then she told me about how she needs a case worker and all with crap. TMI TMI I just want my hair cut. She did a great job but my experience was jaded after hearing all the drama.

Hair Stylist that won't shut up!?

Next time, tell her you want to relax and chill out.

Some people just don't want to listen to anything.

It is okay to voice your opinion and preference, you are paying for a service!

Hair Stylist that won't shut up!?


Hair Stylist that won't shut up!?

Tell her i was just here for a hair cut i don't need a conversation i get enough from my mom and dad

Hair Stylist that won't shut up!?

Next time wait until the other girl is in.

Hair Stylist that won't shut up!?

Sooooo..... go on... did u have a question?

Hair Stylist that won't shut up!?

She tried to make you feel comfortable, ha seems she sorta messed up there...well next time tell her you rather not be in her business

Hair Stylist that won't shut up!?

Next time, don't go to the beauty college to have your hair done. Stop being cheap and go to a place where they've already graduated.

Hair Stylist that won't shut up!?

Use your i-pod next time.

Hair Stylist that won't shut up!?

wow how annoying, i hate wen they go on and on...nxt time, make sure you get ur usually lady!

Hair Stylist that won't shut up!?

they tend to do that for some reason but what's the question?

Hair Stylist that won't shut up!?

That's why I have a close personal friend do mine. I go to her house and we open a bottle of wine! It may take awhile, but at least I don't have to engage is BS conversation

Hair Stylist that won't shut up!?

Yes? or wait... No? Is my answer clear enough?

Hair Stylist that won't shut up!?

mines rather quiet, have to ask her questions to get her to talk usually

Hair Stylist that won't shut up!?

How annoying.

What is the question excatly?

Hair Stylist that won't shut up!?

i havent paid for a hair cut sine i was a freshman in hs i cut my own hair but i suck at it i just feel its a waste of money i guess im an idiot tmi?

Hair Stylist that won't shut up!?

Not an unusual situation at all.....happens constantly. I've had very similar situations and that's why most of us will wait until our stylist is working to get our hair done.

Because you know if you say a word to her about it she is going to f'up your hair!

Hair Stylist that won't shut up!?

Dont go to her anymore. Or if you do, respectfully ask that she not divuldge her personal life with her professional life.

Hair Stylist that won't shut up!?

i know i deal with the same thing myhair dresser is worst though she gabs on and on about religous crap and it dirves me nuts!! but she does an awesome job and at the end of the day would you rather have a good cut with a bad hour of converstaion or a BAD cut with no conversation. one lasts longer than the other so i say id rather the nice cut!

Hair Stylist that won't shut up!?

I've heard that closing your eyes when getting your hair done is a sign that you don't want a conversation.

Hair Stylist that won't shut up!?

i would have pulled out my ipod while she was talking.


Hair Stylist that won't shut up!?

Maybe she was just having a bad day. You probably cheered her up by listening to her letting off steam. :-)

Hair Stylist that won't shut up!?

tell her to please stop talking i have a headache

Hair Stylist that won't shut up!?

Just close your eyes. They will get the hint and that will usually shut em up.

Hair Stylist that won't shut up!?

Just try to subtly change the topic. or next time bring your iPod.

Hair Stylist that won't shut up!?


Hair Stylist that won't shut up!?


Hair Stylist that won't shut up!?

Do not go to her again..if you do get her say i need quite today.

Hair Stylist that won't shut up!?

wait a second! Go back...what about the clear bra?

Hair Stylist that won't shut up!?

I always wait for my hairlady

if shes not there then i dont get the haircut

Hair Stylist that won't shut up!?

if ur single find a hair dresser thats single

Hair Stylist that won't shut up!?

Not too professional in my opinion. Make sure you don't have to have her fill in for your regular again. Or - if you really like what she did to your hair - TELL HER - you can cut my hair - but I don't want you to talk. You're the customer!!!

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