Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Hair stylist screwed up!!?

I just got my hair cut today and it looks horrible! My bangs are literally butchered such that they're about halfway between my hair-line and my eyebrows (and not in a good way). I have no layers and it's shoulder length.

My hair is frizzy (I have damaged brown/blond hair with split ends and the whole deal), and I don't know what to do! I could manage it before (my bangs at least were cute, so I could pull it up in a half pony-tail, etc). I don't want to hide behind a base-ball cap for the rest of my life....

School pictures are in two days!!


Hair stylist screwed up!!?

unless u want it to be cut more/shorter dont go and cut it agen. it will grow back.

for the photo. simple do your hair in a curly style. there are some many nice sexy looks that u cant acheive that will bring off any bad hair cut. dont give up hope. go to another hair salon. and get there to style it nicely for u the day before pictures. make them show u how to maintain the look. get velcro rollers if u dont already have. good luck =D

Hair stylist screwed up!!?

go back and *****!! quite litteraly too!!! you need to get yourmoney back!!! and just get your hair cut shorter or whatever... tell them to fix it up and for FREE after giving you your cash back! thats wrong!

Hair stylist screwed up!!?

I once had the same problem. My hair was a mess and it was time to take year book picture. I complain to the person that was cutting my hair and I think it annoyed them even more. She cut my hair supper short. I ended up shaving my head and told everyone that I was having chemo done.

Hair stylist screwed up!!?

OK for your bangs try parting them to the side it might make it hard to see any flaws for your hair go to a good hair dresser make sure she's been working fora whille and ask to get layer

I hope this helps some

Hair stylist screwed up!!?

hmm..I had the same mom had cut mine..and she wasn't seeing good and she cut my bangs way too short. =(] it was terrible.

so yeah the onnly advice I have for to use mane 'n tale shampoo/conditioner..find it in almost any makes your hair grow sooooooo fast..o_0 its scary. I used it once..and it made my hair grow like in the next week it grew like 1 cm..seriously good growing tecneque.

..try may help u..

Hair stylist screwed up!!?

Yikes how awful for you :( :( Most hairdressers have no idea of the true length of ONE inch. I just found a great hairdresser. But before we started I demanded that she show me her concept of what one inch actually was. Since she was right on I let her cut my hair.

Hair only grows one half inch per month. Do you or can you get any hairpieces that would match your hair? Or get a wig that is close to your style and color

Good luck!

Hair stylist screwed up!!?

I feel for you! This has happened to me SO many times in my life! : ( Let me guess Great clips or Super Cuts?? Go and demand your money back, and then go to a more expensive salon and have them try to fix it. Go to your picture and smile and look your best, and if you hate the way it still looks, they offer retakes at every school in about a month! I hope everything works out for you! :) Good luck!!

Hair stylist screwed up!!?

wow. sucks.

you could get extensions.

orif you can try to put your bangs up. tie your hair. and pull up loose hair with a bobby pin.

or you can straighten your hair with a straightening iron. that way itll look longer cause you said your hair is frizzy.

or you can take your picture again on make-up picture day.

*last option*

i heard thinky nasty stuff makes your hair grow longer. :P

Hair stylist screwed up!!?

hmm. okay! Go back to your hair dresser and get it redone!! And if they can't do much try bobby pinning your bangs under your hair and make it so that you can't see the bobby pin and you can't tell your bangs are put back. Then try to kinda bring your hair forward and then it should look fine.

Good Luck


Hair stylist screwed up!!?

I agree you should get your money back. And to help with the frizz, if you bleached your hair last put a color on it, even if it's a super light blond that you wont even be able to see and only use half of the developer and put conditioner in the other half, this fills your cuticles to make hair more manageable temporarily. If it wasn't bleached last, the night before or even both nights sleep with conditioner in your hair and try to pin a towel or grocery bag over your hair so it doesn't dry. I think your best bet right now, and i know you're gonna hate this, but stand in front of that damn mirror until you find something that works! And I would highly recommend not letting that place even think about touching your hair again. Good luck to you!


Hair stylist screwed up!!?

Omg you have my sympathies....also cuz it can be hard to get an appointment in that short of a time frame.

ok first you go back to that idiot hairdresser and get your dang money back!

then you go to a DIFFERENT hair stylist...that last one obviously didnt have any idea what she was doing. Make sure the one you go to isnt cheap (i know you dont want to spend a ton, and i'm not talking $250 for a trim, but make sure this isnt a $10 cut ok? a person who knows what they're doing and knows it isnt gonna charge lightly) If you dont know of any good stylists, maybe ask a friend whose hair you like who their stylist is.

Best of luck to you, really. That sucks.

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