Tuesday, May 1, 2012

How to make short thick hair spiky ?

My stylist cut my hair too short !

I have straight very thick hair and having lots of short layers looks bad on me.

Luckily my hair grows super fast, but I need it to look semi normal until it does.

Im trying to figure out if I should splurge and get high priced extensions or just make it look punk and have spiky ends.

Ive tried using several products to make the ends separate and stick out but I think Im doing something wrong.

Any tips appreciated !

How to make short thick hair spiky ?

skip blowdrying your hair, use a hard wax or hard paste..(there are lots of products from highend salons to drugstore brands that will have these)..when haur is still wet, squeese wax or paste into fingers, then, apply the wax/paste using spiking motion thru your hair.. Work this thru your hair as you would like it to be..air dry ...you could also spray a firm hairspray after wards.

How to make short thick hair spiky ?


How to make short thick hair spiky ?

Use hard gel

How to make short thick hair spiky ?

A lot of Aussie Scrunch spray! It does work. Just spray, use your fingers to fix your hair how you want it, then spray more.

How to make short thick hair spiky ?

Actually you want to try hair wax--it's great.

Here's a site to show you the effects:


I'm sure you'll look GREAT!

How to make short thick hair spiky ?

Try ICE styling glue.

How to make short thick hair spiky ?

Mousse will help...

How to make short thick hair spiky ?

use wax that's the best product to use to get it spiky, a good brand is bed head for short hair.

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