Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Should I let my girlfriend cut off my long hair!!? She's a stylist and is begging me to have it

yes...when a female says you need a hair cut she means you needed one 6 months ago, I go through this with my boyfriend every 6 months...

Should I let my girlfriend cut off my long hair!!? She's a stylist and is begging me to have it cut real short

yes for sure

Should I let my girlfriend cut off my long hair!!? She's a stylist and is begging me to have it cut real short

That sounds like she is trying to control you...

Either thats or its a sexual turn on for her to have a pair of scissors that close to your head.

Should I let my girlfriend cut off my long hair!!? She's a stylist and is begging me to have it cut real short

it's up to you but one thing about hair, it does grow back!

Should I let my girlfriend cut off my long hair!!? She's a stylist and is begging me to have it cut real short

That depends on you. If you want long hair, then no. Don't change yourself for someone else. So what if she hates your long hair? Its a part of who you are.

Should I let my girlfriend cut off my long hair!!? She's a stylist and is begging me to have it cut real short

Do what you want. If you want it gone get rid of it. If you don't then don't. If she doesn't like it then maybe she's the one you should be getting rid of.

Should I let my girlfriend cut off my long hair!!? She's a stylist and is begging me to have it cut real short

Sure, she is your friend/lover. My older brother wants to be a stylist, and wants he gets in school, I will let him. I already let him do things with my hair. Besides, why not go for a nice change. It will make her fele good, and I am sure you will like it to,. It will show you trust her.

Should I let my girlfriend cut off my long hair!!? She's a stylist and is begging me to have it cut real short

It's your choice. I'm a girl and I had beautiful long hair, my friend decided to get scissor happy insisting I'd look "adorable" with short hair. I ended up hating it and missing my long hair terribly. If you are comfortable with your hair now, there should be no reason to change it. You're only going to have problems styling it the way you want and looking at old pictures missing your old hair. You are in charge of you!

Should I let my girlfriend cut off my long hair!!? She's a stylist and is begging me to have it cut real short

yes short hair is or can be very hot..and it will always go for it and grow it back if you hate it

Should I let my girlfriend cut off my long hair!!? She's a stylist and is begging me to have it cut real short

She may be a stylist, but if you don't want it cut then don't cut it. If you want it trimmed then yes let her.....But make sure she understands your feelings about your hair if you dont want it totally cut short.

Should I let my girlfriend cut off my long hair!!? She's a stylist and is begging me to have it cut real short

only if you want it cut!!!...please don't be a wimp..if you want it done go for it..but don't do it becasue she wants you too!!!'s your hair!!!

Should I let my girlfriend cut off my long hair!!? She's a stylist and is begging me to have it cut real short

NO! If you don't want to, then don't let anyone- especially a woman- change that. Be true to yourself and you will be happy! :]

Should I let my girlfriend cut off my long hair!!? She's a stylist and is begging me to have it cut real short

Yes. You should listen to her and let her cut yur hair. And then when you want something from her you can say "what about that time when i let you cut my long hair short."

Should I let my girlfriend cut off my long hair!!? She's a stylist and is begging me to have it cut real short

No! Never change yourself for someone else. If you want your hair long, leave it long!

Should I let my girlfriend cut off my long hair!!? She's a stylist and is begging me to have it cut real short

Yes yes and Yes. It is apparent that she does not like long hair. Most girls don't as they are not secretly looking for a "feminine" guy. This does not mean that guys with long hair are feminine, just that to the average american, they sure do look like it. Long hair is just not for men.

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