I want to get as close as I can to Colin Farrell's new Miami Vice hair style look. Please tell me how to explain what cutting %26amp; dye techniques I want to the Hair Stylist so they do it right.....and Please tell me if you know what brand and name of Hair products to use...Thanks sooo much
What Hair Cutting Techniques do I use to get Colin Farrell's Miami Vice Look?
Assuming you have a similar hair type, just take in some pictures and show the stylist. If they are any good, they should be able to work off of that.
A picture is worth 1000 words.
What Hair Cutting Techniques do I use to get Colin Farrell's Miami Vice Look?
These are things that a professional will do for you. You can take in a picture with you; that will give them an idea of what you want. But the most important thing is finding a person who can do it. If you live in/near a major city you should be able to find someone who can do it. This person is someone who keeps up with current trends. I am in LA, so it would be ease. Also, if you see someone with that cut or even something similar, ask them where they go. I have done this and it really worked plus people are flattered that you like their hair!
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