I have long hair it stops between my waist and shoulders. I want to get a hair cut to add some style, but keep my length. Everytime I have gotten my hair cut the stylists want to cut it off. How can I explain I want layers at an angle, but keep the length?
Long Hair Question?
just really specify that you want layers and repeat yourself a couple of times til you think they have it and under no circumstance take any of the length.....
Long Hair Question?
thats a hard on to do, angle long hair.. i tried it, it didnt work.. i would suggest, if your up to it.. and if your hair is long enough, donating your hair to locks of love, and then getting your hair cut to a shoulder bob, where its angled in the front and layered in the back.. this cut looks so cute,i get comments on it all the time.. and it works with just about any face.. soo keep that an option
Long Hair Question?
um....assert several times that you want to keep the length but i suggest that if its around your waist then ask for a V-cut. so the bottom will be shaped like a V instead of a blunt cut. then ask for long layers.
Long Hair Question?
Try to be very specific, so that you don't end up bald. Say something like, "I love my long hair. Please give me long layers, and do not cut off more than four inches of the topmost layer." Good Luck!
Long Hair Question?
hmmm. you should actually try the short length. I just got my hair cut to my shoulders and it looks so pretty. you should go for it. i had horrible hair before but now it is beautiful
Long Hair Question?
say " I dont want my hair cutting but i would like long layers putting in''
It would suit you i think .. next time inckude pictures
Long Hair Question?
First of all you need to decide how long you want your layers. In other words where the layers are to start. As an example. Do you want it short on top and gradually to the ends. Or do you want the layers to start chin length and then go down? It is much easier to go from long to longest. OR you can have them divide your head from ear to ear (across the back of the head) and only have the top portion cut in layers and lay down on the bottom half that is not touched by sissors. It will give the appearance of the whole head being layered, but it will save your length and allow you to bring the bottom up in pony tails, twists, etc.... This is especally a good way if you have fine hair. Good luck and enjoy the new you!
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