i didnt want to be rude so i said nothing rude but she was really annoying me i went in there by myself told her i wanted my hair cut to my eyes and cut right to the lobe of the ear and no shorter then that. she looked young the hair stylist probaly in her mid late 20s.
she said stuff like your the cutest customer ive had all day im 4'10 she made me sit on this booster kind of thing i dont know how to describe it on the seat. what bothers me is i dont mind talking to the person cutting my hair brief but she was telling all of the customers and other people working there isnt he adorable (not out loud by you know when she had to go to the cash register or walk over to another person for a sec) i overheard her saying that. i didnt tell her what she was saying was bothering me i didnt want to be rude then when the haircut was done she said all done kiddo it was annoying im not a little kid or else i wouldnt have walked in there on my own couldnt she figure that out?
The Hairstylist in the mall annoyed me im 14 and i was getting my hair trimmed how should have i reacted?
She was just being friendly, thats what hairstylists do.
Get over it.
It's not like she was being rude.
The Hairstylist in the mall annoyed me im 14 and i was getting my hair trimmed how should have i reacted?
If you tipped her you are an idiot. NO TIP mean YOU SUCK
Sounds to me, like she was degrading you as a "youngster"
The Hairstylist in the mall annoyed me im 14 and i was getting my hair trimmed how should have i reacted?
slap that Bit*** u kno y cause ur payin for the servise so he should not have reacted like that u have rights ! lol
The Hairstylist in the mall annoyed me im 14 and i was getting my hair trimmed how should have i reacted?
anytime your paying for something your the boss, you dont like the food, the haircut, the service...cut them off. If they ask whats wrong tell them exactly what they did
The Hairstylist in the mall annoyed me im 14 and i was getting my hair trimmed how should have i reacted?
if they make you unconfortable never return
The Hairstylist in the mall annoyed me im 14 and i was getting my hair trimmed how should have i reacted?
i would have smiled and waved
and never gone back there again
you probably made her day, theres no point in ruining it
so just suck it up and laugh about it later
The Hairstylist in the mall annoyed me im 14 and i was getting my hair trimmed how should have i reacted?
you sound like a spoiled little brat. obviously you young or she wouldnt have said that.
The Hairstylist in the mall annoyed me im 14 and i was getting my hair trimmed how should have i reacted?
im 14, can't stand to go to the salon to get my hair cut...they always annoy me =)
The Hairstylist in the mall annoyed me im 14 and i was getting my hair trimmed how should have i reacted?
i wouldnt take it seriously. she sounds sweet, just a little slow. she didnt know your age.
The Hairstylist in the mall annoyed me im 14 and i was getting my hair trimmed how should have i reacted?
dont worry about it, she was just trying to be nice. She didnt mean any disrespect.
The Hairstylist in the mall annoyed me im 14 and i was getting my hair trimmed how should have i reacted?
umm, you're a kid.
And yes I do agree that is was annoying.
I'm just wondering why are you even thinking about this, get over it cuz it is not that important.
GO GET AN ICE CREAM KIDDO. just kidding.
anyways, i think you handled the situation maturely.
The Hairstylist in the mall annoyed me im 14 and i was getting my hair trimmed how should have i reacted?
What a horrible experience for you. She sounds like an awfully patronising young lady. I think she has a bit of a complex so she was trying to sound older and more mature than you. Just don't go back there. Find yourself another hairdresser.
The Hairstylist in the mall annoyed me im 14 and i was getting my hair trimmed how should have i reacted?
I think, 1. you shouldn't be so insecure, 2. you could have told her politely, Miss i would prefer that you would treat me more seriously or something like that. Honestly, at 14 you can still be adorable, no matter how tall you are.
The Hairstylist in the mall annoyed me im 14 and i was getting my hair trimmed how should have i reacted?
Good god, you're real mature.
Not, incase you didn't get the e-sarcasm.
Don't throw a hissy fit about how you don't like being called a 'kid' or 'adorable' because that just makes you sound like you're acting like a kid for whining. Especially since you handled the situation very well by just being calm there. There isn't a time machine for you to go back and there would be no need to change your reaction. Don't sweat it.
Nobody likes being called 'kiddy' or little, but you just get used to it.
Next year after your growth spurt you can come back in really tall and manly and hot and have her flirt with you instead.
The Hairstylist in the mall annoyed me im 14 and i was getting my hair trimmed how should have i reacted?
She was being friendly.
Dont see what the problem is.
Hair stylists like to talk. :]
The Hairstylist in the mall annoyed me im 14 and i was getting my hair trimmed how should have i reacted?
Unfortunately she treated you younger as you are a bit on the short side. I have a 15 year old that could pass for 12 if needed and that does make life difficult for him. Just try and keep it in perspective as the woman didnt mean to insult you and would most likely have been horrified to realize she had. To her she was giving you a compliment that you are cute.
It could have been worse and she could have been saying 'god this kid has been hit with the ugly stick a number of times. No hair cut can fix this' Then you would really have reason to complain.
It may just be your lot for a while till you mature so just try not to take it too hard. My son has a friend 2 years younger than him and most people think he is the oldest as he towers over my son. I also have another friend with a very large son and most people expect heaps more from him as they think him older than he is.
The Hairstylist in the mall annoyed me im 14 and i was getting my hair trimmed how should have i reacted?
It doesn't matter.
She is being nice....
And just enjoy being a kid.
Its not like any one you know is going to see you there?
The Hairstylist in the mall annoyed me im 14 and i was getting my hair trimmed how should have i reacted?
Im sorry but to her you are a kid! I know it is annoying when you expect to be treated as an adult by acting in an adult manner but most of us look at you as a kid.
The Hairstylist in the mall annoyed me im 14 and i was getting my hair trimmed how should have i reacted?
I hate talking hair cuters!!!
One time I went to a beautyshop and I wanted my hair large, you know, like the one you discribed kind of, and she began telling me how cute I'd look if I cut my hair shorter and guess what, she did!!!
I wanted to kill that woman, she destroyed my hair!! anyway my hair looks way better now, it was like a year ago. You should fell blessed you came out of that place alive.
The Hairstylist in the mall annoyed me im 14 and i was getting my hair trimmed how should have i reacted?
Hey, I'm 19 and people think that I'm 12-14. Don't worry about it. If it really bugs you, don't go back or don't tip her. It doesn't seem like she was trying to be rude, she probably was just being ditsy. I hate to say it, but it's not going to be the last time it happens to you, and your life with be a lot better if you find a way to laugh at it.
And always remember, when people like us are 40, others will still think we're in our 20s!
The Hairstylist in the mall annoyed me im 14 and i was getting my hair trimmed how should have i reacted?
well least u weren't rude thats all that matters.and if shes on here shes gonna be mad,just saying
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