Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Hair tips??

I am trying to make my hair longer..should i get hair cuts often?? or is that a lie that hair-stylist say?? because thats what i have heard but i dont really know..and what products should i use for best results + healthy hair?? my hair is also very fine hair and i would want it to get more fuller and thicker?? ---

Thanks for help

Hair tips??

If you go in about every three months and have about half and inch cut off, it will reduce the amount of split ends. It does not make your hair longer persay, but it does improve the overall image. When you have split ends...the ends frizz reducing the longer image. However, when they're smoothe, it appears that your hair is long and sleek. I would recomend L'Oreal smooth intense conditioner and Garnie' smoothing cream...they work really well together.

Hair tips??

some say cut often will help but i think better go to salon to have advice and do iron perm so hair will fast get longer

Hair tips??

You should trim your hair every month or 2 months.Just trim and not cut. Then after that, use hair oil (usually the olive oil) every night. It will help to generate your hair to become longer and fuller.

Hair tips??

i would use pantene pro v...it never fails with me....yea trimming your hair every so often does work...it gets rid of the damaged or split ends you might have.

Hair tips??

Take over the counter vitamins. I think it is B-12 that makes your hair and nails stronger, but go to a GNC or similar store and ask the employees.

Hair tips??

i too have thin hair and use pantine its good you should buy products that read volume they work "sometimes" cutting your hair only the tips not too much but you should every 3 4 months. i put birth control pills in my shampoo to help it grow faster and the hormones help out too.

good luck

Hair tips??

yes u shud gt a trim atleast once in 2 months......the hair ends become very thin( causing split ends also) becaus eof which the hair reaches a saturation point of growth.....

if u keep removing those thin ends, there will be more margin to grow

bt tell the hair stylist that its ONLY A TRIM---------at times they consider a trim to almost a hait "cut" !!!!

and since u have fine hair for bounce,n volume use panteen volumizer shampoo---- a hair style that isnt too flat(ur hair stylist can help u wid dat)

Hair tips??

if u want ur hair 2 be more thick u can blowdry ur hair upside down then u can brush it a little upside down but dont brush 2 much

Hair tips??

That's true in a way, if you have healthy hair. You should look for a shampoo and conditioner with your hair type (fine hair) plus with vitamins. Then you can also have some hair treatment for thicker hair and to moisturize it too (once a month will do). I have some home remedies if you like, email me at kalvarez12@yahoo.com. Hope I helped you.

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