Wednesday, April 18, 2012

How in the world do you find a decent hair stylist?

I'm not sure where to even begin. I've had several bad hair cuts in a row,I don't know what to do because I have done everything I can think of to find a good one. I have the consultation,I take in picures of the cut i want,i always make sure it will work with my hair type. I tell the sylist what I do and don't want. I look around and see hair I like,so I ask the person who does their hair. Their hair looks great and I always wind up with something that looks NOTHING like the picture I took in with me,not only that but it always gets cut wrong.What I mean by that is one side will be chopped up and uneven with layers that don't blend, I will have some layers that are way to short. I have also gone to the high end places that cost to much,I've gotten the worst cuts from those places. It took me a year to grow my hair out from a bad cut and when I finally had enough new growth to get a cute style , i went to a different place, I now have hair that was haphazardly cut again. PLEASE HELP!

How in the world do you find a decent hair stylist?

every style is not good for everyones hair. maybe the haircuts you like are not suitable for your type of hair. Some clients have a hard time understanding that you cant always look just like the picture. hair thickness, texture, wave pattern, density, growth direction and many other factors all contribute to the finished product of the haircut. If your hair is not exactly like the girl in the picture yours cant look exactly like that. Instead of going in with a picture of what you want, maybe you should go in asking what would be good for you. ask the stylist what kind of haircuts would be good for you hair type and the chose one that you like from the cuts she shows you. referrals are still the best way to a good stylist. look for girls with great haircuts who have similar hair to you. if you see a girl who's hair is like yours and you like her cut, find out her name as well as the stylist name and say I want my hair cut like you did your client so and so. The stylist will remember what she did easier then trying to recreate something from a picture that you two may see differently. If you still feel weary, start with a trim to feel her out. if she cant handle that the you know she shouldn't be the one to give you a whole new cut!

How in the world do you find a decent hair stylist?

in the computer

How in the world do you find a decent hair stylist?

A stylist is only as good as your ability to describe. There can be great stylists out there but you just cannot aptly describe how you want your hair and end up with something totally not like what you wanted. Try finding the style you want in a book first or keep pics of your hair, reference pictures you can bring into your stylist. Some will take pics with their phone and show thier stylist and say yeah i want that so that might help.

How in the world do you find a decent hair stylist?

Ask people whose hairstyles and colors you like who they use. The one that is mentioned the most often is whom I would check out first. Go by the shop they work at and check it out. Observe what is going on, how long u have you wait, the cleanliness of the shop and how they interact with others and then possibly ask other clients in their how they like their stylist.

How in the world do you find a decent hair stylist?

goto ur mother and ask er does she *********

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